Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hijabi Style....In Exercise Gear

Trust me when I say I know what its like to be invited to go someplace like the beach, get all excited, and then realize that I have nothing to wear....burkini anyone?

When I was on the Brooklyn Technical High School tennis team, I had to wear dowdy sweatpants underneath my tennis skirts. They did not have the cool Lululemon yoga pants back in 1998 (or at least my uncool high school was not aware of them).

I always have to modify my outfits for working out because I want to stay true to my beliefs and convictions; but I also believe exercise is good for the body, mind and spirit.

Well the NYT has done an article that chronicles a huge population of women who like myself, want to workout, cover and still look pretty.

Check it out here:

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