Tuesday, September 8, 2009

You Can Find Me on Twitter!

I have always tried to embrace trends, but I admit that Twitter was not one of them. It just seemed too cutesy with its terms; tweet sounded well so saccharine, twitter sounded like an annoying yuppie well yapping.

And then there was the cute image of the Fail Whale. Whenever Twitter crashed, this lovely picture of a whale trying to be lifted by twittering birds would pop up. It all seemed so juvenile to me.

Well, I must say that Twitter is indeed useful. I can keep track of fashion updates in separate columns on my TweetDeck. I can let people who are following me know what I think is an awesome lawsuit or fashion find. It is more useful than I had initially realized.

You can follow me on Twitter if you like. My user name is minara_pr. I will keep you posted on my blog and Twitter!

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